Workshop on Acralic Nail Extention on 1st april,2023


 If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you.

    If you’re determined to learn, no one can stop you.            

Cosmetology aims to study different beauty treatments from skin care to hair care, make up and styling ,amongst others. Cosmetologist improving the appearance of a customers face, hair and skin using make up and beauty treatments. The Cosmetology course is designed to train the students in the practical skills, theoratical knowledge and professional attitudes to obtain licensure and for competency in entry level  positions in the cosmetology profession.


 The Department prepares the students for the career of Cosmetology teacher, cosmetology Instructor, Salon manager, Salon owner, nail artist, manicurist, pedicurist and Cosmetic Advisor. They can go for Make-up Artistry as well. Students recieve basic and advance training in every field with hands on practice. Education and Training in the Department are provided to students through lectures and demonstration. After purcuing the cosmetology course candidates can get job opportunities in school/colleges, salon, beauty parlours, spa centres and resorts.
1. To develop profesional attitude and knowledge of hair, skin, nails and beauty.
2. Produce a capable and skilful workforce as required market demands.
3. Create skilled man power for industry.
4. Able to perform basic analytical skills to be able to advise clients on total look concepts.
5. Able to apply academic learing, tecnical information and related matter to assure sound judgements, decisions and procedures.